Lipreading Classes Online UK

Lipreading Classes Online UK

Lipreading classes online for UK based students, delivered over Zoom.

The next online lipreading classes are scheduled to start in January 2025

Beginners Online Lipreading Class starting Jan 2025

Mixed Ability Online Lipreading Class starting Jan 2025

Private Lipreading Courses starting any time:

Contact the tutor for further information.  

View Lipreading Classes Google  Reviews

 Learn to lipread with other people with hearing loss. For more information, go to the lipreading classes page. Spaces on these online lipreading courses are limited, so be sure to send an e-mail to reserve your place!

1-1 Lipreading Classes for UK Students

Are you looking  for a lipreading tutor?  Would you rather have a private 1-1 tutor, so that you can learn at a faster rate, with personalised lessons and ALL the teacher's attention?  Would you prefer to learn how to lipread in the comfort of your own home, in front of your computer? Unable to find a lipreading class near you?

If so, then private 1-1 online lipreading lessons should give you everything you need.

Why Learn to Lipread?

Learning how to lipread can be a very effective aid to communication. If you find that you are missing words in everyday conversation, then it's entirely possible that your hearing is deteriorating. For most of us, this happens as we get older. There's no escaping it.  If you find that you are frequently asking people to repeat themselves, straining to hear without avail or finding it easier just to disassociate yourself… then you may benefit from learning how to learn to lipread. Of course, there are challenges to lipreading but they are much easier to face with a little help. Whilst hearing loss assistive technology can be incredibly useful, it does not completely resolve all the obstacles.

Lipreading can be immensely useful. We focus on the different shapes that the lips make when producing certain sounds. It is by learning the shapes we can sometimes pick out words that we might have missed. With practice and perseverance, we learn how to "fill in the gaps", so that we are able to pick up the gist of what is being said. However, we need to be realistic. It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to lipread every single word. At best, we Just might be able to catch meaning where we may have missed it before. This may not sound like much, but it can mean the difference between becoming isolated, or continuing to be an active part of society.

Taking your lipreading classes online makes perfect sense, particularly if you cannot find a lipreading class near your home.. The benefits and lesson contents are the same.  Lipreading can be an extremely valuable addition to the toolkit for those with any level of hearing loss. By incorporating a few simple tips and tricks, you can practice & improve your lipreading skills and experience the benefits of improved communication, wherever you find yourself. 

You will learn to pay attention to the speaker's facial expressions and mouth movements, looking for subtle clues and exaggerated emphasis. You will also learn some practical applications, such as asking people to move slightly, stop covering their mouth/face or to switch on the lights/turn off the TV…

In addition, you will become acutely aware of the importance of context in a conversation. In most respects, this is the most important part of lipreading!

By incorporating this knowledge into your lipreading practice, you can enhance your skills and experience the benefits of improved communication and better social interaction. Just like investing in the correct type of hearing aid suitable for you, lipreading lessons are an investment in your future. For most of us, our hearing is unlikely to improve in the long-term, so learning to lipread just gives us a better chance of continuing to enjoy the company of others.

Managing Hearing Loss

Your lipreading tutor will include tips and tricks about managing hearing loss & how to continue to do the things you want to do. and be the person you want to be. An important part of these lessons is learning to be confident about your hearing loss, to develop strategies that will enable you to carry on carrying on. By committing to your lip reading courses online, you will find all the same advantages of face to face learning from the comfort of your own home.  There are many different types of hearing loss, so it is important that your lip reading lessons are geared towards you as an individual, as much as possible. The intention  is that these online lipreading courses will become part of your hearing loss toolkit, a part of who you are. It will take some practice and dedication, but with private lessons you have a much better chance of learning the skill of lipreading quickly, and retaining the information so that you can apply the skill out there in the real world. 

The Limping Chicken is the world's leading Deaf blog, and have published a piece I wrote about the move from face-to-face lipreading classes to online learning. You can read about it here: The Move to Online Lipreading Classes

Lipreading Is My Superpower, What's Yours?